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Getting started

Managing feature flags is a straightforward process. Begin by creating a project, and then click on it to select the feature flags option.

Create a project

Available Environments

Two environments are available at this time: production and test. Switching between them is simple with the toggle found in your project's feature flags section.

Using a test environment lets you explore the integration of feature flags in your development scenarios without influencing the production environment's data. Plus, it allows for the creation and transfer of a feature flag to the production environment as you develop.

Moving a Feature Flag to the Production Environment

If you have configured a feature flag in the test environment and desire the same setup in production, you can copy that feature flag instead of creating a new one. Clicking on the flag's dropdown menu will present options like Edit, Analytics, Move to Production, and Delete. Select "Move to Production" to automatically generate a feature flag in the production environment with identical settings, saving you the effort of recreating it.

Creating a Flag

Simply click the + button to create a flag. Fill in the required fields in the modal that appears, such as:

  • Name: the designated name for the feature flag
  • Key: the specific key for evaluating the feature flag
  • Description: A concise description (optional)
  • Type: Boolean, Number, or String

Boolean flag

A Boolean type allows two variants (true and false), each requiring a unique and mandatory name.

Number flag

A Number type allows unlimited variations, each with a numerical value.

String flag

A String type works similarly but assigns a string value to each variant.

Serve a Specific Value

You can configure the serving method, choosing to always serve one value or by percentage. Specific value serving lets you select from created variants.

Percentage Rollout

If you opt for a percentage rollout, you'll need to allocate a percentage to each variant, ensuring the total equals 100%.

When Disabled

Feature flags can be toggled on and off. When off, you can set a specific value to be served from your variants.

Editing a Flag

Editing a feature flag is accessible at any time. Clicking on the flag's menu and selecting Edit allows you to modify:

  • Variants
  • Serving method
  • Variant to serve when deactivated

Enabling/Disabling a Flag

A simple click on a flag's switch allows you to enable or disable it. A confirmation modal will appear; confirm your choice by clicking enable/disable.

Deleting a flag

You can delete a feature flag whenever needed. Clicking on the flag's menu and selecting Delete will prompt a confirmation modal. Confirm deletion by clicking enable/disable.


An analytics section displays the evaluation percentages for each feature flag variant, provided the flag has been evaluated at least once. Selecting the Analytics option in a feature flag's menu will reveal a chart depicting these percentages.

SDK Integrations

We have several SDKs prepared for easy integration with Mockfly. Currently (with many more to come!), we have: